2020-2022 Edition

Locations and 2020-2022 Winning Projects

Buitrago del Lozoya, Madrid

Valpuesta, Berberana, Burgos

Zubiri, Esteríbar, Navarra

Buitrago del Lozoya, Madrid

The initiative submitted by the city of Buitrago del Lozoya, in Madrid, proposes the reconstruction and recovery of a full block of its historic center, currently derelict. The area is composed by a number of buildings located between the castle and the church of Santa María del Castillo, flanked in turn by one of the better preserved sections of the city wall. These buildings will be transformed into municipally-owned tourist accommodations.


Javier Senosiain Jauregui, with the collaborator Claudia García Aznar

Estratos has been the proposal the jury selected for the first prize. It was developed by the team made up by Javier Senosiain Jauregui, with the collaborator Claudia García Aznar.

From the proposal, the jury highlighted the general urban development, the quality of the new public spaces to be created and the design of the new proposed volumes, along with a meticulous distribution and composition of interior spaces and the continuation and updating of local traditional building systems.


Tres en Raya

Carlos de Luxán Antón‐Pacheco, with the collaborator Fernando Frías Pulido


David García Montes, with the collaborators Isabel Moreno Núñez and Jorge Montes Serna

 Valpuesta, Berberana, Burgos

The city of Valpuesta is part of the municipality of Berberana and is located in the Valdegovía valley, between Álava and Burgos. The proposal includes the recovery of a group of buildings located in the main public space of the town, between the Torre de los Velasco and the collegiate church of Santa María de Valpuesta. The latter is especially relevant, because some of the earliest evidences of the Spanish language were found there. For this reason, the restored ensemble will be transformed into a center for the study on the origins of Spanish.


Susana Granizo Polo and Silvia N. Gómez Díaz

La Casa Encendida has been the proposal the jury selected for the first prize. It was developed by the team made up by Susana Granizo Polo and Silvia N. Gómez Díaz.

From the proposal, the jury highlighted the treatment of the public spaces and the linkage between the project site and the neighbouring streets and plazas, along with the quality and distribution of interior spaces and the well-suited and integrated solution for increasing headroom in the top floor.


Alba Gesta

Manuel Viola Nevado, Fernando Enríquez Martín and Antonio Leníndez Cobo

Alma Mater

Ignacio Pérez Anzola, Pablo Menéndez Paunero and Héctor Termenón López, with the collaborator Diego Martínez Vélez

Zubiri, Esteríbar, Navarra

In the case of Zubiri, a municipality located in the Esteríbar valley, the proposal is especially attractive due to the privileged location of the building to be restored, a stone building, currently abandoned, next to the Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) coming down from Roncesvalles, and in the vicinity of the bridge that gives its name to the town. This building had different uses through history, such a guesthouse, or a school; the proposals seeks to restore and extend it to convert it into a cultural center.


Francisco Sánchez Salazar, Miguel Á. Antonio García and Jesús Llanos Jiménez

Kulturarako Zubi has been the proposal the jury selected for the first prize. It was developed by the team made up by Francisco Sánchez Salazar, Miguel Á. Antonio García and Jesús Llanos Jiménez.

From the proposal, the jury highlighted the proposed preservation and adaptation of the building’s existing elements and systems, along with the distribution and utilisation of the interior space, and a concern to maintain, highlight and recover the character of the interiors as well as the exterior elevations.



Maddi Berraondo Amezqueta, Cristina Franco Pérez, Luca Cerullo and Eloy Rafael Domínguez Díez, with the collaborators Francisco Naranjo Martell, Miren Azcona Azabal, José Luis Fernández Lozano and Raquel Santamarta Regueras

Bizi Zubiri

Alberto Hueso Carro and Daniel Andrés Varela Cruces


Víctor Guimerá Millán, with the collaborator María del Pilar Rama Lara

Publication New Traditional Architecture MMXXII

It was published on the occasion of the Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition and the Richard H. Driehaus Building Arts Awards 2022 Ceremony.

Both competitions are organized by INTBAU (the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism) and the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the Rafael Manzano Prize and the Council of Architecture Institutes of Spain.

R.H.Driehaus Initiatives in Spain Awards Ceremony 2022

The 5th Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition and Building Arts Awards Ceremony was held on June 9th, 2022 in the auditorium of the CentroCentro building in Madrid, which houses the City Council of the capital.

The event was chaired by Luis Lafuente Batanero, Director General for Cultural Heritage of the Madrid Town Hall, María Ángeles Fernández, Vice Deputy Director for Architecture and Building of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Isaac Sastre de Diego Director General for Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, Laureano Matas, Secretary General of the Higher Council of Architecture Institutes of Spain, Harriet Wennberg, Executive Director of INTBAU, International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism and Alejandro García Hermida, Executive Director of the Richard H. Driehaus initiatives in Spain and Portugal.

The same day the exhibition Timeless Architecture 2022 was inaugurated in the same building. The awarded projects from both initiatives are featured in this exhibition that will be open to the public until August 7th.

2022 Awards Ceremony Video

Timeless Architecture 2022 Exhibition

The exhibition Timeless Architecture 2022 was inaugurated on June 9th. It can be visited in the Centro Centro building in Madrid, which houses the City Council of the capital, until August 7th.

This exhibition includes architectural projects, models, reproductions of construction elements, details and materials typical of the construction cultures of the places where the winners have worked.

We still have excellent architects and urban planners who have set themselves the goal of creating harmonious, sustainable and inclusive environments. The construction trades that can shape them are still alive, we still have great masters and they are never sufficiently known and recognized.

The proposals of the awarded First Prize teams on this edition of the Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition, are featured on this exhibition.

Video of the Exhibition Timeless Architecture 2022 

Jury Memoramdum

All awarded design proposals