2017-2018 Phase One Competition

2017-2018 Phase One Competition

Lanzamiento de la Primera Fase del Concurso Se han publicado las bases de la Primera Fase del Concurso de Arquitectura Richard H. Driehaus en la que se buscarán posibles temas y emplazamientos para este concurso; para ello se animará a los municipios españoles a que...

2016-17 Phase Two Call for Entries

Phase Two Call for Entries The Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition Phase Two Call for Entries have been published, in which national and international architecture studios will present their design projects to respond to the themes proposed by the three...
Selected Locations – I Edition Architecture Competition

Selected Locations – I Edition Architecture Competition

In the first phase of the competition, town councils from 44 towns sent their proposals for the rehabilitation of several architectural spaces. Of these 44 proposals, the following were chosen to enter the next phase of the competition: Jaca in Huesca, Vejer de la...