
First Prize for Olite

The winning proposal, awarded with 12.000€, has been the one developed by the team of architects composed by Estefania Fernandez-Cid Fernández-Viña, Xavier Espinos Bermejo, Lucia Espinos Bermejo, and Rodrigo Toro Sanchez, who, last year, had already obtained a prize for their project for Baza.

The design proposal

Their project, named “CERQUO”, as selected by the jury who highlighted the solution given for the arrangement of the plaza del Fosal, respecting the proportions and hierarchy of the volumes which shape it, especially with regard to the relationship between the cloister of the Church of Saint Peter, this building’s façade and the volume of the architectural building of the proposal. The jury also considered as a positive point in favour of the proposal, the fact that the team behind it had successfully included the unique character of the architecture of Olite and its characteristic constructive solutions.


Xavier Espinós Bermejo, Estefanía Fernández-Cid Fernández-Viña, Lucía Espinós Bermejo and Rodrigo Toro Sánchez

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