Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about the competition, questions that arise after reading the summary of the proposals for each site, you can contact us through this form. We will answer you as soon as possible. We will also put at your disposal on this page the questions we receive, along with their answers, so that other participants can consult them.


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Esto es sólo un formulario de contacto: un correo para poder comunicarnos y responder a tu consulta. Los datos de carácter personal que facilites por esta vía no quedan registrados en ningún  Fichero o Base de Datos. Visita la página Política de Privacidad si necesitas más información.

  • 1. What is the deadline for submitting the required documents?All the documents can be uploaded to the Competition website before February 4th, 2025 at 7:00 pm (Madrid time). The registration platform will be enabled until then. You can also send any query taking into account this deadline.


  • 2. Are there any visits organized to the site and buildings on which it is required to work? No, since in all three locations the intervention area is open access or the buildings are in a state of ruin, so safety during visits cannot be guaranteed.


  • 3. If I am a foreign architect, do I need to associate myself with a Spanish studio to participate? No, it is not necessary.


  • 4. What is the maximum number of members of each team? Each team will have a maximum of 4 associate members, who will be considered authors of the project. In addition to this number, each team may have several collaborators, who are not considered coauthors of the project, but it is understood that they have contributed to its realization.


  • 5. Can an architecture studio composed of five architects present itself as the author of a project? Yes, an architecture studio can be presented as the author of a project instead of the architects presenting themselves individually. If, on the contrary, the contestants prefer to appear as authors in a personal way, they would have to limit their number to four, which is the maximum number of authors allowed by the competition terms and conditions. The fifth architect would have to appear only as a collaborator.


  • 6. Will the proposals be built? The winning projects are intended to be built. And for that purpose, among other criteria, the proposals should meet  feasibility in both technical and economic terms. In any case, this competition cannot guarantee their final implementation, which will depend on the local administrations, to whose disposition the winning proposals will remain.


  • 7. Regarding the budget, are there any set public prices? There are no official reference prices. In any case, only a very basic estimation of the main budget items is required.


  • 8. Is it necessary to submit a proposal for each location, or can just one be selected? Each team can send an entry for the location they prefer, or for more than one if they decide to do so and find it feasible. In this last case, they will have to register independently for each of them.


  • 9. Is it mandatory for participation in the competition to be registered in the correspondent Architecture Institute and to be a freelancer or have a company? No, neither one nor the other is necessary to participate.


  • 10. Are you going to provide us with more documentation of the three areas of intervention? No, all the available documentation is already on the website and can be downloaded by the contestants. There is no additional information.


  • 11. In what language should proposals be submitted? Proposals may be submitted in Spanish or English.


  • 12. Is it possible to add an additional collaborator after completing the registration? To add an additional collaborator it will be necessary to complete the registration form again to obtain a new code. This means that, from that point on, they will function as a new team.


  • 13. Is it possible for a team member to participate simultaneously in more than one team? If the teams are for different locations, it is allowed. However, it is not permitted to be part of more than one team for the same location.


  • 14. Regarding the requested promotional material (point number 3), is it possible to reuse the images already included in the A1 panels of the proposal? Teams may include any material they deem appropriate, although ideally, it should be limited to the most representative views and/or drawings of the proposal.


  • 15. Is it necessary to hold a professional license to participate in the competition, or is a bachelor’s degree in architecture sufficient? Since, in the event of winning and the proposal being executed, any architect not licensed in Spain would likely need to collaborate with an architect licensed in this country, holding a university degree in architecture is sufficient to participate in the competition.


  • 16. Can I participate individually as a licensed architect from outside Spain? Yes, individual participation is fully allowed.


  • 17. Is the registration code for the competition the same one that should be used on the panels as the team code? The example in the brief is numeric, while the code generated by the system contains letters. Although the example in the brief is numeric and the code generated by the system consists of letters, both refer to the same code. This is the one that must be included on the panels to ensure the anonymity of the proposals.


  • 18. How can an approximate budget be estimated without access to local construction costs in Spain? Is there any platform or resource that can be consulted? The budget to be submitted can be approximate and does not require a high level of detail. Participants may use online price databases or prepare an estimate based on the costs in their country of origin, adjusting it as necessary. In any case, the objective is solely to prepare an indicative budget that identifies the main cost categories.


  • 19. Is it possible to access more detailed plans, such as topographic, site, or archaeological maps? Is there a website where they can be downloaded?
    We do not have additional plans beyond those already provided. However, you may consult the SIGPAC Viewer website, the Spanish National Geographic Institute, or the Municipal Urban Plans to check if other downloadable plans with additional information are available.


  • 20. Is it possible to participate as an architecture student?
    To participate in the competition, at least one team member must hold an architect’s degree.
  • B1. Although the use of reinforced concrete is not allowed on the facade, would it be possible to use it for access elements such as stairs, platforms, or furniture? Yes, it is allowed; however, it’s important to remember that one of the evaluation criteria for proposals will be the extent to which they promote “the use of traditional, reusable construction techniques and materials specific to the region.”


  • B2. Are sections and detailed information, such as interior photographs and plans, available for the buildings requiring intervention? Given that a connected cave must be integrated into the proposal, it is particularly important to consider this feature, as it is one of the site’s most distinctive characteristics. Would it therefore be possible to obtain more information on its location? Additionally, considering that the building is in a state of ruin, may the removal of its upper part be considered? We do not have detailed plans of the old winepress that is the focus of the intervention, but its general dimensions can easily be deduced from the remaining structural elements. Although the building is in a ruined state, these elements can be recovered and integrated into the proposal, should participants deem it appropriate. Regarding the cave’s characteristics, particularly the location of its entrance, we have requested more detailed information from the municipal authority. If provided, this information will be promptly shared with all participants.


  • B3. Is it possible to propose a reconfiguration of the façades of the houses facing the street so that they are integrated into the overall intervention? Although it is not part of the proposed intervention, you may, if deemed appropriate, suggest a reconfiguration of the façades of the existing houses facing the street. However, you must bear in mind that, should the project be implemented, the proposed reconfiguration of these façades cannot be carried out, as these houses are privately owned.


  • B4. Is it possible to propose a green roof or a flat roof covered with stone for the new building? Since it is a building and not a cellar or auxiliary structure, its roof must be constructed with ceramic tiles, as mentioned in the project specifications.


  • B5. Is it possible to intervene in the space between the plot and the building, as well as in the rear area, to allow transversal permeability? Or, alternatively, must the program remain divided into two separate volumes? In general, various solutions can be proposed, as long as the existing public pathways are respected.


  • B6. Is any vehicular activity expected on the streets within the intervention area, particularly around the wine cellar complex?
    There is no vehicular activity expected within the wine cellar complex.


  • B7. May participants propose interventions outside the defined boundaries, such as higher up the hill? The proposal should focus on the requirements stated in the brief. However, additional suggestions for interventions in surrounding areas can be included if deemed appropriate by the entrants.


  • B8. Is there any way entrants can access the 3D mapping of the wine cellar complex? We do not have access to the 3D mapping files mentioned, as they were created for a previous study. The provided CAD files are the only resources currently available.
  • I1. Is it necessary to preserve the horizontal structure, stairs, and interior levels of Casa Dolantxea, or is it allowed to propose a new interior structure independent of the perimeter walls, with new mezzanines, levels, and stairs? Each team may intervene in the interior of Casa Dolantxea as they deem appropriate, but solutions that respect the structural and volumetric configuration of the existing building should be prioritized whenever possible.


  • I2. Is it possible to use other types of techniques and materials for the interior of the building? While municipal regulations do not specify the materials to be used for the interior of the building, the competition’s evaluation criteria apply to the proposal as a whole, which must align with these criteria and not solely with the building’s external appearance.


  • I3. Is the inclusion of an elevator permitted, or should only elements that respect local tradition be included? Using traditional techniques and materials as much as possible in defining the proposal is not incompatible with including an elevator or any other necessary element.


  • I4. What is the function of the Dolarea house? Is it privately or government-owned? The Dolarea house is a private residence.


  • I5. Does the school still operate? If so, how many students attend, and what age groups or levels does it serve? The school currently hosts extracurricular activities for students aged 6 to 20. Once a week, on Wednesday mornings, classes are held for students aged 6 to 12 from all the surrounding villages. In total there are approximately 60 students.
  • F1. Is it possible to propose a building or construction within the area marked in green? Yes, but the priority is to address the competition’s requirements.


  • F2. Is there a 3D representation of the intervention area? The following links provide access to a viewer that includes a 3D representation of both the general intervention area and the church and the adjacent building that is the focus of the intervention:


  • F3. Is the youth housing intended to be an affordable solution for a few months, such as one or two apartments per floor, or is it meant to be a short-term hostel-style residence? The housing is primarily intended to be rental accommodation for young people, as indicated in the guidelines, rather than a hostel-style solution.


  • F4.Regarding the three areas marked as “buildable lots,” what type of intervention is expected? Can they be used as part of plazas or streets, for example? These are privately owned lots where houses may be built in the future, so they should not be incorporated into streets.


  • F5. Can we partially model the ground in some areas if it benefits our proposal? Yes, as long as the intervention is coherent, feasible, and respects the existing topography without altering its character.


  • F6. Is it permitted to remove trees if they interfere with the proposal?
    Yes, if required for the proposal, but preserving the maximum number of trees is preferred.


  • F7. Can other types of materials be chosen for certain buildings to enhance their integration into the architectural context?
    Participants may use the techniques and materials they consider appropriate, although those that respect the local architectural tradition are especially valued.


  • F8. In the photos there are two new buildings in the green area. Are there any other similar buildings planned for this area?
    We do not have information on whether additional buildings are planned in that area.


  • F9. Regarding the intended use of Area 3, would it be acceptable to propose a use other than a garden?
    It is possible to propose another use if deemed appropriate in the proposal, but this area was initially designated as the space for the community garden.


  • F10. What kind of volume arrangement is expected or required in the ruins of the buildable lots?
    No volume adjustments to the existing ruins in the buildable lots which are not to be restored at this point need to be proposed.


  • F11. Could you confirm whether the newly constructed building, located west of the building to be restored and not shown in the plans or 3D scans, should be considered? Regarding the building mentioned, it is a newly constructed house that likely did not exist at the time the 3D scan provided by the local authorities was conducted. Its existence should be acknowledged.


  • F12. Where is the mentioned water reservoir located? Should it be integrated into the landscape as it is, or relocated? What is its purpose? The water reservoir is a small structure situated at the top of the hill, on the southwest side of the wall of the old cemetery (see attached photograph). Enhancing its integration into the surrounding landscape is recommended. It is a drinkable water reservoir, possibly used for domestic purposes.