Ad Fontes

First Prize for Alzira

The jury decided to award the first prize, totalling 12.000€, to the proposal titled “Ad Fontes”, designed by the architects in Seville Elena Jimenez Sanchez and Abelardo Linares del Castillo-Valero, and their collaborator Paloma Márquez Aguilar.

The design proposal

The proposal stood out because of its aim to retrieve the urban fabric of the west area of “la Vila” and because of how it gives value to the vestiges of the Almohad wall and the former church of Santa María, the main heritage elements which shape this end of the urban fabric. The new suggested streets converge in a square connected to the riverbank of the river Júcar. New businesses and facilities open towards this square, where the floor plan of the former church is enhanced. The primitive bell tower is retrieved, turned now into a viewpoint which makes it become the main landmark when one analyses the profile of the city and also the finishing element of the street which runs along its main axis.


Abelardo Linares del Castillo-Valero and Elena Jiménez Sánchez



Paloma Márquez Aguilar

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