“Agua” (Water)
First Prize for Baza
The winning proposal, awarded with 12.000€, has been the one developed by the team of architects composed by Estefania Fernandez-Cid Fernández-Viña, Xavier Espinos Bermejo, Lucia Espinos Bermejo, and Rodrigo Toro Sanchez, who, last year, had already obtained an honourable mention for their project for Grajal de Campos.

The design proposal
Their Project titled “Agua” (Water) suggests reconstructing the cloister of the convent, rehabilitating it for hotel use, and retrieving the palace and its gardens, including the old monumental water element which presided them and supplied them with water. The proposal also includes a new image for the surrounding streets, building at the end of the pre-existing orchards, constructions which are more adequate considering the city’s identity. This way, the disproportionate blocks of housing erected during the last decades are left to remain in the background, and therefore a more adequate architecture for this historic context is designed and made prominent. It is all designed supported by the natural resource of water, materialized in the Caz Mayor stream and the irrigation ditches of the orchards around which, a pleasant promenade is developed.
Estefanía Fernández-Cid Fernández-Viña, Xavier Espinós Bermejo, Lucía Espinós Bermejo y Rodrigo Toro Sánchez