Pisando la Tierra
First Prize for Guadix
The proposal granted first prize, Pisando la Tierra, was presented by the architects Alfonso Zavala Cendra and Ramón Andrada González-Parrado, and their collaborators José María Fernández Amor y Álvaro Romero Sancho.

The design proposal
It was found worthy of recognition for the reorganization it suggests of the Plaza Pedro de Mendoza, which gives back the main historic access to the Alcazaba its importance, as well as for how naturally this access is restored by means of constructing a series of platforms at different levels. It was also highlighted for the solution put forward for the residential block, which is in current state of ruin, where the authors of the proposal masterfully put into practice the forms and materials of the tradition of the area of Guadix, with a result which is completely aligned with the identity of this place.
Alfonso Zavala Cendra and Ramón Andrada González-Parrado
José María Fernández Amor and Álvaro Romero Sancho