
First Prize for Santiago de Compostela

The proposal granted first prize worth 12,000€, Hydrangea, was presented by the team made up by Eva Niño Mendizábal, Elia San Román Vázquez and Carmen Carral Pérez.

The design proposal

The jury highlighted its way carry out the rehabilitation of the series of constructions which are in a state of ruin at present, to turn them into dwellings for artists, retrieving their original shapes and traditional constructive techniques, as well as because of the subtle connection in two different levels of the Rúa da Caramoniña with what today is the park of Santo Domingo de Bonaval. This proposal shows a unique ability to respond to the several challenges this area presented without leaving to one side the need to preserve and enhance, at the same time, the most attractive aspects it still maintains today.


Eva Niño Mendizábal, Elia San Román Vázquez and Carmen Carral Pérez.

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