Rua da Auga

Second Honourable Mention for Santiago de Compostela

The Second Honourable Mention worth 2000€, has been granted to the proposal “Rua da Auga” corresponding to the team made up by the architects Víctor Manuel Guimerá Millán and María del Pilar Rama Lara

The design proposal

The proposal was praised for the mastery of the traditional forms and materials it shows and because of how it gives value and ensures the preservation of the area of intervention. Their commitment to solving the existing problems in the access to the Rua de Caramoniña from the Rua de Ramón Valle Inclán was also notable, even if part of it was considered to be difficult to make compatible with its current use.


Víctor Manuel Guimerá Millán and María del Pilar Rama Lara

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