2020-2022 Locations and Winning Projects

The initiative submitted by the city of Buitrago del Lozoya, in Madrid, proposes the reconstruction and recovery of a full block of its historic center, currently derelict. The area is composed by a number of buildings located between the castle and the church of Santa María del Castillo, flanked in turn by one of the better preserved sections of the city wall. These buildings will be transformed into municipally-owned tourist accommodations.
Javier Senosiain Jauregui, with the collaborator Claudia García Aznar
Estratos has been the proposal the jury selected for the first prize. It was developed by the team made up by Javier Senosiain Jauregui, with the collaborator Claudia García Aznar.
From the proposal, the jury highlighted the general urban development, the quality of the new public spaces to be created and the design of the new proposed volumes, along with a meticulous distribution and composition of interior spaces and the continuation and updating of local traditional building systems.