Winning Projects 2018-2019

In this Phase Two, fifty-six national and international architecture offices submitted their architectural and urban design proposals in order to meet the needs of the previously selected municipalities. Here you can find out more about the design proposals selected for each location by the Phase Two Jury, which has awarded prizes totaling €36.000.

Béjar, Salamanca

The proposal seeks to develop a project which aims to revitalize the area of La Antigua, the founding core of the town which is currently suffering the effects of depopulation. The idea is to carry out an intervention in the urban space around the Church of Santa María, an area where the Jewish Museum is also located, as well as various other buildings dating from the times of the local textile industry’s splendour, which today are in abeyance and abandoned. For one of the best examples of these old factories, the idea is to rehabilitate it and turn it into a school of crafts. Moreover, the intention is to build a student’s hall -to hold the future attendants of the aforementioned institution- in a vacant plot of land located in the same area.

FIRST PRIZE: Béjar ante el espejo

Abelardo Linares del Castillo-Valero and Elena Jiménez Sánchez

The proposal the jury selected for the €12,000 first prize, was developed by the team formed by Abelardo Linares del Castillo-Valero and Elena Jiménez Sánchez, who were already awarded a prize for their project for Jaca in the 2017-2018 edition of this Competition, with the collaboration of Paloma Márquez Aguilar y Javier Barangua Gómez-Calero.

The project proposes opening up the public spaces surrounding the Church of Santa María, the Jewish Museum and several buildings from the golden age of the textile industry, toward the spectacular views of the Cuerpo de Hombre river valley. Additionally, it connects the existing urban fabric in an attempt to reactivate the environment; the project includes the construction of a new residence around a patio surrounded by galleries inspired by the local tradition.


Because of the excellent quality of the other submitted proposals, the jury, formed by representatives of the various participating institutions and of the very municipality, also decided to award three honourable mentions, with a prize of €2,000 each. These three selected projects, all of them of great beauty, also give back the memory to the patrimonial complex, keeping alive the trace of its history, and generating a new network of green spaces for the city.

Un paseo por el adarve

Eva Niño Mendizábal, Elia San Román Vázquez, Carmen Carral Pérez and Carlos César Fernández Martín


Urdimbre urbana

Alfonso Zavala Cendra and Ramón Andrada González-Parrado, with the collaboration of Paloma Sanz Cuerda


Ventura lirios

Fernando Enríquez Martín and Antonio Lendínez Cobo


Guadix, Granada

In the case of Guadix, the plan was to recover and improve the ensemble that crowns its historical center, around the Alcazaba, the old citadel.

Having considered that none of the presented proposals responded in a satisfactory way to the aims -in their totality- linked to this location, the jury declared void with the will of including this lot again in the following competition notice. This way, the participants who wish to do so, may complete or improve their proposals and compete again within this lot.

Olite, Navarra

Olite’s proposal seeks to carry out an intervention to upgrade and embellish a strategic area of the urban fabric which connects the Palace and the Church of Santa María with the Church of San Pedro, which, however, is located outside the most frequented areas by tourism: the axis aligning the Rúa Villavieja, the Plaza del Fosal, the Plaza de la Rueda and its surrounding areas and the relationship between these spaces with the outside of the former walled perimeter. All of this will make it possible to give back to this area the importance and the attractiveness which it always had.


Estefanía Fernández-Cid Fernández-Viña, Xavier Espinós Bermejo, Lucía Espinós Bermejo, and Rodrigo Toro Sánchez

The proposal the jury selected for the €12,000 first prize, CERQUO, was developed by the team based in Madrid formed by Estefanía Fernández-Cid Fernández-Viña, Xavier Espinós Bermejo, Lucía Espinós Bermejo and Rodrigo Toro Sánchez, who were already awarded a prize for their project for Baza in the 2017-2018 edition of this Competition.

Their project for the new building at Plaza del Fosal incorporates the typical construction characteristics of the area, without detracting from the prominence of the adjacent temple. The same virtues are found in the building proposed for the Rúa Villavieja.


Because of the excellent quality of the other submitted proposals, the jury, formed by representatives of the various participating institutions and of the very municipality, also decided to award three honourable mentions, with a prize of €2,000 each. These three selected projects, all of them of great beauty, also give back the memory to the patrimonial complex, keeping alive the local character.

Inter duas metas

Imanol Iparraguirre and Aritz Diez Oronoz



Alejandro Martínez del Río, Francisco Javier Gómez Patrocinio, Ana María Villalba Benajas and Brandon Henao Meléndez


Urban Rejuvenation of Olite

Richard Sammons, Anne Fairfax Ellett, Andrew Krizman and David Pearson


Jury Memoramdum

All awarded design proposals