First Prize Olite

First Prize Olite

“Agua” (Water) First Prize for Baza The winning proposal, awarded with 12.000€, has been the one developed by the team of architects composed by Estefania Fernandez-Cid Fernández-Viña, Xavier Espinos Bermejo, Lucia Espinos Bermejo, and Rodrigo Toro...
Béjar First Prize

Béjar First Prize

“Pluribus Unum” First Prize for Jaca The jury has decided to award the first prize, totalling 12.000€, to the proposal titled “Pluribus Unum”, designed by the architects from Seville Abelardo Linares del Castillo-Valero and Elena Jimenez Sanchez, who were...
Trujillo first Prize

Trujillo first Prize

“Kalathos” First Prize for Trujillo The winning proposal selected by the jury, awarded with 12.000€, was the one under the title “Kalathos”, by the architects from the Basque Country Aritz Diez Oronoz and Imanol Iparraguirre Barbero, who also won the first...
Borox First Prize

Borox First Prize

“Uniting the city: an urban proposal for Borox” First Prize for Borox The jury decided to award the first prize, totalling 12.000€, to the north-American team composed by Patrick Alles, Matthew Blumenthal and Megan Zhang because of their proposal being the...
Borox First Honourable Mention

Borox First Honourable Mention

“Bosque de Ribera” (Riverbank Woodland) First Honourable Mention for Borox The jury also awarded three honourable mentions, 2.000€-worth each. These three projects also suggested developing proposals which were very attractive and sensitive in terms of...